Beastocity: 5.7
I recently noticed a few of the ads around Los Angeles that boast what is “so L.A.” It’s kinda cute. Apparently it’s to help boost tourism to bridge the several hundred million dollar budget gap (good luck, Arnold.) But what’s more entertaining than actually thinking about doing whatever “the man” is trying to lure me to spend money doing is testing my own knowledge of what is “L.A.” Some places or events I recognize and others I don’t. Venice Beach: Yeah, that’s somewhere on the coast… I’m sure I’ve been there. Los Angeles Convention Center: Uh, must be downtown… somewhere near the 110 probably. Walt Disney Concert Hall: Yes, definitely downtown and definitely awesome. Been there and would go again (but for free). Boulevard of Dreams: Oh, wow. I don’t think I know where that is and it’s looks like it must happen late at night and therefore past my bedtime. Darn.
So I wonder how I rank as an Angeleno. I commute 30-45 minutes every morning and ride by myself (cringe!). I like to go “hiking” on a dusty little hill near where I live. I could match freeway numbers with the names San Pedro, Pasadena, Santa Monica and Hollywood. I think Taco Trucks are amazing, but tragic because the good ones come out after my bedtime. I can parallel park like no one’s business. My office has a view of the Hollywood sign. I’ll drive 30 minutes for good Boba and loyal housemates who all facilitate each other’s Boba addictions. My “yard” consists of a strip of grass that runs the length of my driveway.
Well, I’m not really proud of most of my stereotypical Angeleno-ness, so I’m trying to embrace more positive Angeleno qualities as well. I’m learning some of the amazing things I can do around the city for free! I’m starting my own little garden to make up for the excessive amounts of concrete. I try to carpool or ride a bike. I’m enjoying exploring my little piece of Los Angeles zip code and it’s fun to try and stay more local.
So, I might qualify as an Angeleno but then I guess that means I should actually get rid of my Florida license plate. Hm, perhaps sometime soon.