Thursday, May 7, 2009

"soft voice"

Beastocity: err… tell you in a month.

So, while I’m on the theme of noticing funny little things about myself (well this can be the second in my theme…) here’s my newest: I have a “soft voice.” I never thought of myself as having a “soft voice” (maybe I still don’t cus I’m putting it in quotation marks). I mean, I guess as I look back on my entire life I remember some instances that might prove this “theory.” For one, one of my pet peeves has developed throughout the years to be when someone can’t hear you and they lean into you and say “What did you say?” As though you couldn’t say it in a louder volume and instead they need to be a few inches from your face.

Do you track with me? Haven’t you ever been with someone in a public place and smoothly try to tell them something out of the corner of your mouth, trying to draw as little attention as possible to yourself probably trying to make some critical comment that you don’t want the others around you to hear, and because your dumb-o friend (or perhaps temporarily dumb-o) and instead of whispering a quiet “huh?” they awkwardly do a huge lean/bend at the waist and ask loudly “What did you say?” and now you have a third of the people whose attention you were trying not to draw conveniently looking over at you… then you have to be the one to be like uhhh I’ll tell you later. AWKWARD!

So maybe I’m just too sensitive to social situations. I am a self confessed over-analyzer. Most of my cell phone people-can’t-hear-me issues come from not wanting to disturb those around me or have them hear my conversation. Maybe I need to readjust my volume settings… maybe then people at my office would be able to hear when I page them over the loudspeaker. Until then, I’m grateful for the intervention of my coworkers who tell me weekly that I have a soft voice.


  1. That's the point were I usually tell people "Never mind!"

  2. Break free of the soft voice! YELL!!!

  3. this is really funny.. i think i've definitely been the friend that leans over awkwardly and says WHAT?? although i never really thought it was awkward until now.. haha! story of my life :)
