Friday, August 21, 2009

Weekend, Ho!!

The word changes meaning throughout the years and I recognize that my weekend plans don’t look like they used to so I thought I’d reflect a little about my typical weekends:

Toddler: who knows… probably some sleeping, drooling, and punching of my sister

6 years old: Dude, as long as the my little ponies are coming with me, I’ll go wherever you tell me to go and do whatever you tell me to do

10 years old: Go swimming, do homework, swim, climb my tree, swim, maybe go somewhere on my bike.

12 years old: Okay, mom, here’s how it’s going to go down. Lauren and I are going to ride our bikes to go get a doughnut for breakfast, ride around the neighborhood, play some N-64, ride to Blockbuster and rent a movie, check out the newest Beenie Babies next door at Hallmark, go to her house and watch it, maybe work on our backyard fort or make a home video narrated by our beanie babies. Yeah, don’t worry about me, see you guys later.

14 years old: Everyone is going to the movies tonight so, of course, I have to go. Plus I just got this totally cute new outfit I want to wear. But does my curfew really have to be 10pm and do you really have to pick me up in the minivan?

16 years old: Another weekend on the boat? I’m going to miss my friend’s birthday party and the school hockey game, and I won’t be able to watch the new Making The Video that’s going to be aired. Bahhh, whatever.

18 years old: Thank you Lord that we’re going on the boat again this weekend. I really just want to go read on the beach! That way I can leave the football game early and skip out on all the drama although I guess I’ll hear it all by Monday anyway. How many days until college…?

20 years old: Finally! No more class, so I figure all I need to do is finish those few books, whip up a few essays, knock out a few problem sets, hang out with a few friends, have a few meals, get a little more sleep (as long as they’re not too loud down the hall), and squeeze in a little piano practice somewhere. Yeah I can make all that happen when I get back from the conference Sunday afternoon, no problem.

23 years old: Well, since I’ve been cooped up in an office all week, I just want to get outside! Hm, maybe I’ll go for a hike or a swim, okay, that’s top of the list! But wait, I didn’t get much sleep this week so I should probably nap a lot and sleep in, yeah, early nights for me! But I haven’t seen any of my friends all week so I should go to that person’s party and hang out with them, yeah, I haven’t seen them in a long time and friends are important! Oh, and I also really need to read some of that book for the IV internship, gotta stay responsible. Maybe I’ll also get to that list of people I need to call and those emails I should respond to… yeahallwhile I do laundry, clean my room, and make some food for the week. Or maybe I’ll just get some boba first and that will help me figure it all out.

1 comment:

  1. "Yeah I can make all that happen when I get back from the conference Sunday afternoon, no problem."

